Whole school

Pupil Passport Template and examples
This is a pupil passport template including anonymised completed examples.
Ideal for SEN students.
If completed alongside the student it is far more effective and becomes person centered as set out in the SEND code of practice.
Sections include:
I would like you to know that...
I find it difficult to....
It would help me if you could....
I started off using these with my SEN students, however, now most students in my school have these and take control of these passports - very powerful tool.

How to Revise Science
PowerPoint/Google Slideshow covering
What is revision?
why revise?
The brian
How to revise - time management
- how to prioritse
- Revision techniques
- suggested websites/apps/podcasts etc
- least effective methods
Great starting point for any year group on where to begin with their revision.

Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle
Developed to facilitate the APDR process. As SENCO, I use this to support me in collecting evidence for the assessing and reviewing stages and to inform conversations with parents in the planning and reviewing stages.

Assess, Plan, Do, Review - proforma
This form can be used to facilitate meetings with parents, set targets for students and review previous targets set.
As outlined in the new SEND code of practice, this process has to take place 3 times a year for SEND students - this form evidences and tracks the whole cycle.

Teacher Feedback Form
As SENCO, I use this form to collect individual teacher feedback on students prior to EHCP reviews/ meetings with parents.

Social Skills literacy Mat
Literacy Mat designed to be used in Social and Emotional interventions sessions.

SENCO Toolkit
Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle
Focused feedback forms x 3
Intervention tiers
Pupil Passports template
Student support booklet template
Learning Walk proforma
Student observation sheet

Behaviour and emotional concerns - Teacher concern/feedback/referral form
This form can be made available to teachers in your school to enable them to report concerns they may have with a pupil's behavior and/or emotional well-being.
Makes it easier to collate information on particular pupils if concerns are raised.
Creates an easy way of contacting the SENCO/Inclusion Manager/Year heads - rather than being told things in passing whilst walking down a corridor!!

Exit Tickets (Plenary)
Exit tickets that can be used as a great plenary for any lesson.
3 editable tickets
1. Write down one fact you have learnt from today’s lesson
2. Write down one question you have following today’s lesson
3. Write down something that really interested you this lesson
Shows dialogue between student and teacher once stuck into exercise books.

Peer assessment sheet - oral presentations/poster presentations
Peer assessment sheet - oral presentations/poster presentations.
Can be printed on a different colour paper and stuck into exercise books providing students with feedback from their peer group.

Peer assessment recording sheet
Can be printed on another colour paper and stuck into students books once feedback has been given to them by their peers.

Assess, Plan, Do, Review - Parent questionnaire
Questionnaire to be sent out to parents in advance of the APDR meeting each term to gain their views.
Provides parental voice and can be collated alongside school and child questionnaires as evidence to back up targets.

Feedback forms (staff)
Ideal to use together information on students for meetings with parents. Staff are also able to complete to report concerns on a student to the SENCO/HOY/DoL/AH

A level folder tracking sheet
Allow for the student to set 3 targets for themselves/set by the teacher
Tracking boxes to show where pupils are at each half term

Feelings/emotion Scale - resilience
Brilliant resource to use with students who are struggling with their emotions and feelings. Completely editable. The student that completed this one found his own pictures and named the emotions he feels most frequently. Split into a table comprising of the 'Feeling /emotion', 'Looks Like/sounds like', 'Feels like', 'Safe people I can talk to/ what I can do to help myself/ where can I go?'
Based loosely on the five point scale.
Very effective in helping students to identify what emotions they are feeling and how these present themselves. As well as supporting them to cope with them appropriately

Learning Walk Proforma - TA/SEND
A Learning walk proforma designed specifically to focus on SEND and TAs in the classroom.
Designed to make the process much more efficient and allows for feedback to be given to TA in a timely fashion - including good practice seen.